All FAQs

Will my reading glasses work at the computer ?

Not necessarily. As with anything else you do in life, it is important to have the right tool for the job. You would not use a hammer when you need a screwdriver. The same goes for your vision: you would not use distance glasses for doing close work. So, in most cases, your reading glasses are probably not going to do the job at the computer.

The correct computer eyeglasses will optimize your comfort and productivity at the computer screen while also allowing you to read and see out at some determined distance (10-13 feet). Reading glasses are usually prescribed to read at a distance of 16″-18″, but computer glasses are usually designed to work at 18″ to 28″.

If I don’t have symptoms of CVS, do I still need computer eyewear ?

Maybe. According to a University of Alabama study (2004), computer users who are not experiencing symptoms of computer vision syndrome may also need computer eyewear. The study reports that it does not matter whether subjects reported symptoms of CVS.

The fact is that viewing a computer screen is a different stimulus for the eyes than reading printed materials. It is much more difficult for the eyes to focus on pixels than on printed characters. Individuals with no visual problems may still be losing productivity and accuracy at the computer. This is the number one reason to get a regular eye exam from a computer vision specialist.

Is LASIK guaranteed to eliminate my need for glasses or contacts ?

Many people achieve 20/20 vision, or better, after undergoing LASIK eye surgery. Although patients experience an improvement in their vision, some may still need to wear corrective lenses for certain tasks, though the necessary power of correction will be much smaller than before.

The result of the LASIK procedure is also influenced by the amount of correction needed. Patients within a few diopters of 20/20 vision most often achieve sufficient results after undergoing LASIK that they no longer require corrective lenses. Patients with a wider error, especially those who are extremely nearsighted, sometimes will still require corrective lenses after the surgery, though their prescription will be greatly reduced.

Will computer eyeglasses make the screen clearer ?

Yes, because they will eliminate the constant refocusing effort that your eyes go through when viewing the screen. It has also been proven clinically that having the correct prescription in computer eyeglasses increases productivity and accuracy.

My vision is great; I have no problems. Is there any reason to have my vision checked ?

Many serious eye diseases often have little or no symptoms until they are well developed. The only way to diagnose a problem early in such a case is to schedule periodic eye exams. This is the best way to preserve the clearest vision possible for life.

I have been noticing strange things with my vision lately. What should I do ?

Any abnormal phenomena or changes in your vision can indicate a variety of possible problems. The key to preserving vision in the face of most eye diseases is early treatment. Thus it is important to consult an ophthalmologist if you notice anything unusual or any change in your vision. It could be a serious problem, or it could be inconsequential, but the peace of mind and the possibility of catching a serious problem early are certainly worth it.

What are the symptoms of computer vision syndrome ?

If you or your child spend more than two hours each day in front of a computer screen, you likely experience some degree of computer vision syndrome (CVS). Symptoms of CVS include:
Headaches, Loss of focus Burning/tired eyes, Double/blurred vision, Neck and shoulder pains.

Do computer eyeglasses look like safety glasses ?

No. Almost any style of frame can be used for computer eyewear.
More important are the lenses that your eye doctor chooses for your computer eyeglasses. Ninety percent of the time, multifocal lenses will be your best choice, as they are designed specifically for working at a computer. They allow you to see clearly at your correct computer screen distance and can give you some distance vision beyond the computer.

But whether the lenses are multifocal or single vision, you and your eye doctor must determine the best lenses for your work environment.

Will glare screens prevent CVS ?

Glare screen filters may help somewhat, but they will not solve your computer vision problems because they only affect glare from the computer screen — not the visual problems related to the constant refocusing of your eyes when working at a computer.

Only when your eyes can focus clearly at the plane of proper distance on the computer screen can they experience relief from the fatiguing effects of CVS. An anti-reflective coating (AR) is also highly recommended on all computer eyeglasses. An AR coating prevents glare and reflections on the front and the back of the lenses that would interfere with focusing on the screen. Read more about minimizing glare.

Does LASIK hurt ?

There is no pain associated with the LASIK procedure. Local anesthesia is used on the cornea, which is administered through eye drops. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or pressure. After the procedure, patients may experience minor irritation in the eye. This should fade within a day or two.

Is LASIK safe ?

It is important to realize that, like any surgery, LASIK is not without risk. However, major complications are extremely rare. Minor complications occasionally occur, such as dry eye, and halos or glare around lights at night. However, such problems are uncommon, are often treatable, and will usually reduce or disappear within months of the surgery.

Is LASIK right for me ?

If you are considering LASIK eye surgery, it means you are living with nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, and probably currently wear glasses or contact lenses. LASIK is a great way to reduce your dependence on, or completely free yourself from, corrective lenses. It may be especially appealing because of your profession or lifestyle. It could be that you cannot wear contact lenses and dislike the appearance of glasses, or you may just want to reduce the expense and hassle of glasses and contacts.

However, LASIK is not appropriate for everyone. There are several factors which determine the best candidate, including age, medical history, individual eye anatomy, and expectations. Each person is a unique case requiring individual evaluation.

No website can tell you for sure if you are a good candidate for LASIK. The only way to find out is to schedule a LASIK eligibility exam. Be prepared to talk about your medical history, and any current diseases or medications. You will also discuss instructions and expectations for the procedure, recovery, and results. You will be given a comprehensive eye examination, including some tests especially tailored to evaluate whether your eyes are appropriate for the corrective surgery. From the results of this exam, the doctor can work with you to decide if LASIK is the right choice for you.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

What can I do about it ?

The solution is simple: see an eyecare professional that specializes in computer vision care.

In most cases, standard reading glasses or over-the-counter readers are not accurate enough, because viewing a computer is usually at a different distance (18″-28″) than reading distance (16″-21″). Once an eye doctor accurately diagnoses your computer vision problem and determines your correct computer working distance, it’s a simple matter to prescribe computer eyeglasses that will allow you to work comfortably and productively at that distance.

Also, please read about studies that show computer eyewear can increase computer worker productivity significantly, with cost savings for employers who provide the eyewear.

What causes CVS ?

CVS is caused by our eyes and brain reacting differently to characters on the screen than they do to printed characters. Our eyes have little problem focusing on most printed material, which is characterized by dense black characters with well-defined edges. Healthy eyes can easily maintain focus on the printed page.

Characters on a computer screen, however, don’t have this contrast or well-defined edges. These characters (pixels) are brightest at the center and diminish in intensity toward their edges. This makes it very difficult for our eyes to maintain focus and remain fixed onto these images. Instead, our eyes drift out to a point called the “resting point of accommodation” or RPA.

Our eyes involuntarily move to the RPA and then strain to regain focus on the screen. This continuous flexing of the eyes’ focusing muscles creates fatigue and the burning, tired-eyes feeling that is so common after long hours at the computer.

How often should I have an eye exam ?

Eye exams are recommended periodically, with the interval differing for various age groups. In the first three years of infancy, a child should have vision checked along with normal pediatric checkups. Between the ages of three and six (the most crucial period of eye development) an eye exam should be scheduled every year or two. After that period, until adulthood, exams should be scheduled as necessary. During the twenties, one should have at least one exam. During the thirties, one should have at least two exams. In the forties, fifties, and early sixties, one should schedule an exam every two to four years. For seniors, an exam every year or two is recommended.

In addition to these basic guidelines, people with a family history of eye problems, those monitoring a diagnosed eye disease, or those with certain high-risk diseases such as diabetes, it is recommended that exams should be performed at least once a year. Regular eye exams are the best way to keep you seeing your world clearly.

Contact us today to schedule an eye exam!