- Hospital Name Eye Center
- Doctor Daniel Doe
- Surgery Cataract Surgery
- Date April 27, 2018
- Diseases 1350 Broadway, NY 10018
If you’re using prescription eyeglasses or lenses than you may probably know the utter importance of a LASIK eye surgery. Well, of course, the use of eyeglasses or lenses certainly indicates that you are having myopia, astigmatism, or hyperopia. Getting it corrected would perhaps be the best thing happening to you.
Vision correction procedures often tend to be painful, lengthy and risky which drives away patients from indulging into them. However, there had been a savior amidst all these. LASIK could be the best, short, and painless treatment for effective vision correction.
Apart from improving your vision significantly, LASIK would let you set new limits for living without the need of putting on you’re eyeglasses. If you want to quit you’re lenses or eyeglasses, this would probably be the most appropriate road to take.
Whenever a “new” procedure or cure (LASIK) is considered there would be several questions popping up in the minds:
• Will LASIK actually work for you and you’re vision problems?
• Is this a permanent solution for the vision problems I have?
• How much will I have to invest in the treatment?
• Are there any risks involved?
The details and discussions below are going to answer it all. So, take your eyes through the page.
What is LASIK?
LASIK is no longer an unpopular element. However, there are still many who barely know about it well.
“Laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis” or LASIK, is popular laser refractive process used for the treatment of various visionary issues like astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. It is basically focused on correcting the defects in the corner of the patient’s eye to clarify and correct there sight by modifying the way light refracts within the eye.
This is one of the most popular medical processes that are performed especially in the United States. Like any other surgeries, there are a number of things that you would need to make out before you actually get the Laser eye surgery done.
They’re actually a lot of details to embezzle if you research well. They’re are elements that would require consideration prior, during and post the surgery. Thousands of different contents related to this would let give you equally varied opinions. However, we would here try to make out the best out of all of them.
Things to be considered prior to the surgery
LASIK is not at all a mere cup of tea; any mistakes could be potent enough to make things worse than ever. Here are some important standards that need to be maintained so that you can get the expected, favorable results of a LASIK eye surgery.
• Consultations: You’d be required to consult you’re specialists several times, to diagnose the criticality of the issue, and take proper measurements of you’re eyes (including elements like the shape, thickness of cornea etc.) This would also include diagnosing of any other effects that may occur as the result of the treatment.
• The reports would then be studied and the specialist would prescribe several medications along with the fact whether the patient is suitable for LASIK or not.
• Patients using contact lenses will have to quit there lenses 1-2 weeks before eye examinations and the LASIK surgery. This is because contact lenses are known to create fluctuations in the shape and size of the cornea.
LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure
LASIK surgeons are known to use a laser known as femtosecond laser in order to make a perfect thin flap in the cornea. Through this thin flap, the surgeon than gets access to the underlying corneal surface from where some tissues are to be removed. Excimer tissues are used to remove the corneal tissues.
The procedure and motive would, however, differ as per the disease or issues detected. In the case of nearsightedness, flattening the cornea is the major objective. On the other hand, in the case of farsightedness, the objective is to give a steeper shape to the cornea.
Once the required shape for the cornea is achieved, the thin flap is placed back to it’s a place. This creates a natural bandage in the eye and supports healing without the need of any stitches. Topical anesthesia is also known to be used during the laser eye surgery procedure.
Post Surgery Expectations
They are would be some really important considerations after the surgery. These would include the following points:
• The patient needs to rest well after the surgery.
• Driving is not allowed after the surgery. The patient will need to have someone who can drive them home. They can, however, resume driving from the next day if things go well.
• The use of protective eye shields and goggles is highly prescriptive as the healing process takes place. This is important for protection from the sun, or at night while sleeping and to keep the patients from rubbing there eyes.
These points are of great importance for Lasik eye surgery recovery in the most expected manner. You may also need to consult you’re specialist regularly for better guidance and keeping track of the healing process.
Though LASIK is considered to be an absolutely painless, safe and easiest process, you cannot deny the fact that it is, after all, a surgery. The anesthetics would endure that you do not feel any pain during the surgical procedures.
However, you are likely to experience irritation in you’re eyes compelling you to rub them. You will also need to get some medicines prescribed for the same.
Rest, as mentioned above is a really important element among all. You are required not to involve in activities that result in stressing out you’re eyes.
What are the risks involved?
Like any other surgeries, certain risks prevail with LASIK too, these include:
• Overcorrection, Under correction, new or increased Astigmatism
Chances of failure are always involved. It’s possible that the vision may not be as perfect after the surgery as it was before (even with the use of glasses or contact lenses). This would be due to uneven or inappropriate tissue removal.
You may also need retreatment or a second surgical process. However, this would again consider some points, situations, and conditions.
• Problems with the corneal flap
As mentioned earlier, the LASIK procedure requires lifting a flap from the outer corner and than putting it back in place. They’re are often problems in doing this. Inappropriate placement of the corneal flap could lead to various issues that could be serious. They’re could be problems that essentially require farther treatment.
• Disturbed or Fluctuating Vision
After the LASIK eye surgery, some patients may also experience results that create difficulty in seeing in several situations. This may even make situations worse then they used to be. They’re may be issues like glare, halos around brightness, double vision or light sensitivity.
After a laser eye surgery, you may also face difficulty in driving or seeing things properly at night. Pain or discomfort may be the problem for some. Many of these symptoms would however heal and get away with time.
• Dry Eye
LASIK surgeries tend to cause a temporary decrease in the usual tear production. This problem may prevail even when you’re eyes are healed. Eyes being unusually dry may create problems and irritations. A simple way of dealing with this is to stay hydrated and consume a lot of fluids.
It is really important to consider all the potential risks and complications before actually deciding to get a Laser eye surgery. You may need to consult you’re doctor frequently in order to get the best guidance with respect to this treatment. It will probably be necessary to get the best possible outcomes from the procedures.
How much will it cost?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions by the patients willing to get this treatment. Though your health insurance may partially or wholly cover the costs of LASIK eye surgery, there are also several private insurances that do not cover costs related to it.
It is often considered as cosmetic or elective surgery; hence to cover it all under insurances may not be possible. Moreover, know that it is going to be expensive. Therefore you may need to look for ways you can get the cost covered.
Getting things done on advance would surely help you well. The costs involved are likely to differ at different places depending on the surgeon’s fee and market conditions.
Along with costs and other conditions, it’s really important to consult the best specialist. You can surely not afford any mistakes or carelessness with respect to your eyes. It is, therefore, suggestible to get through proper researches and consultations planned appropriately before the surgery.
There are farther many more points that you may need to know. However, the ones mentioned above would be enough to clarify basic doubts about the treatment.
Moreover, LASIK eye surgery is probably one of the easiest, safe and faster option available for vision correction. You may consider the various precautions involve and get it done for refractive error correction and a better lifestyle.